Social Insurance Pension Schemes, database.

The system of national accounts includes a lot of information on pension liabilities and entitlements, but does not provide a comprehensive overview. Whereas it recognises entitlements and corresponding liabilities related to employment-related pension schemes (often referred to as second pillar schemes) and individual pension schemes (often referred to as third pillar schemes), it does not include entitlements and liabilities related to social security pension schemes (often referred to as first pillar schemes). The 2008 SNA introduced a supplementary table on social insurance pension schemes (2008 SNA, Table 17.10) to provide a comprehensive overview of liabilities of all social insurance pension schemes in an economy. The OECD table on social insurance…
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Saving With Gusto

Abraham Hernández VITALIS®/ISEG Universidad  de Lisboa Fernando Galindo Universidad Anáhuac México Jorge López VITALIS® Fernanda Salas VITALIS® Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México On current trends most people will not have access to a formal pension. We do not naturally save for retirement. We lack the "chipmunk chip". Today, most elders depend on their family for support, but families are decreasing and disintegrating. Here we explore the alternative of saving for retirement through spending. Not everybody works (formally or not), but almost everybody spends. Thanks to technology is now possible to establish a robust savings platform that enables people to save very small amounts each time they spend. Behavioral economics developments…
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